Welcome to the SmartBoard blog. We encourage all participants to post and respond to this blog. It is a great way to brainstorm ideas, ask questions and post best practices.
Hey. FrancesNL, is this your blog? Be sure to post our local website as well - http://community.teqsmart.org as we've got over a hundred lessons for download on there - most all were created by NYC DOE teachers... a great thing to share out to other NYC DOE teachers... they have to register to download, but the registration is free.
Hey. FrancesNL, is this your blog? Be sure to post our local website as well - http://community.teqsmart.org as we've got over a hundred lessons for download on there - most all were created by NYC DOE teachers... a great thing to share out to other NYC DOE teachers... they have to register to download, but the registration is free.
Yes, it's me! New blog on blogger.com. I'm still up on the region 4 blog...see http://blogs.region4.nycenet.edu/communities/smartboard.
Great to hear from you!
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